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Board Report: April

During the March 28 board meeting, Alan Whitman provided his annual update on the synagogue’s endowment fund. Next, Andrea Mark led a discussion regarding strategic planning, including breakout and full-group discussions regarding visioning and goal development for our synagogue. An opportunity was provided for congregant input. Board president Stacey Sharp and Executive Director Beryl Strauss provided an update on the well-being of Alex...Read more...

Torah Discussion Starter: April 2022

In Parashat Tazria, we learn it was thought that certain skin conditions were the physical manifestation of impurity (So, presumably 99% of teens going through puberty had a lot of spiritual work to do! 😉). While anyone could...Read more...

The Social Justice Committee : April

The Social Justice Committee through the Pasadena-PJTC Welcome Circle has continued to provide support for the successful resettlement of the Afghan Refugee family.  Both parents are now attending ESL classes daily at PCC and the two young girls are at PCC preschool. Enrolling the family in health insurance under Medi-Cal is well along, as is the identification and enrollment n a clinic providing the full...Read more...

NEW Programming! Weekly Shirah on Thursday Evenings

PJTC presents a new weekly Shirah, Thursdays 8:00pm in-person at PJTC begining April 7th, 2022.

Please join Cantor Ruth, Rabbi Carrier, the Davening team, and Cantor’s teacher Yiscah Smith for a weekly communal practice in preparation for Shabbat. We will set aside time to sing,...Read more...

B'nai Mitzvah : April

April brings us two reasons to celebrate: the B'nai Mitzvah of Cyrus Garroway and of Isaac Johnson. Get to know them below and mark your calendar to come together as a community to support them on their big weekends!

Bar Mitzvah of Cyrus Garroway

Cyrus Garroway, son of Rabbi Joshua and Kristine...

A Message from Cantor Ruth

Dear PJTC, how are you? 

During our March 17th  Social Hall I shared with you not only my experience in Israel during my Sabbatical (so far), but also the excitement of what I’ve learned and what I am bringing back to our community. Click here for video

My vision is to create a new space for all of us to immerse ourselves in weekly communal practice - to intentionally prepare for...Read more...

Women's Seder

Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center Sisterhood

invites you to

A Women’s Seder

-Rediscovering the Journey through the Eyes of Women-


Member Recognition Corner: April 2022

Your fellow PJTC congregants wish to recognize:

Haley Karish for her tireless work and successful efforts in heading the mishloach manot Purim gift bags for congregants. It Is a huge undertaking and she was remarkable. Haley demonstrated tremendous leadership as well! Thank you also to those who compiled the goodie bags: Shana Levin, Mena Schmidt, Bernice Aoyama, Aty Rotter, Stacie Sulak, Scott Kuhn, Jan Pais, Kate Karish, Sophie Bilu...Read more...

Donations to Sisterhood

Donations to Sisterhood Make it Possible to Completely Furnish Kitchen & Bathroom

We are in awe of our community’s generosity! In less than a two-week period, Sisterhood’s request for kitchen and bathroom items to furnish the apartment for the Afghan refugee family were met.  Our expectations have been surpassed, and monetary donations over and above our need to purchase additional kitchen and...Read more...

Board Report - March 2022

On February 28, in addition to the regularly-scheduled board meeting, the synagogue held its annual congregation meeting. During the meeting, attendees received informational presentations from the following synagogue officials: 1. Beryl Strauss, Executive Director; 2. Rabbi Aimee Gerace, Education Director; 3. Cantor Ruth Berman Harris; 4. Melissa Levy, Director of Congregational Engagement; 5. Rabbi John Carrier; 6. Sandy Hartford,...Read more...

Torah Discussion Starter: March


We’ve reached the end of the Book of Exodus and the completion of God’s house- the mishkan. A few parashot ago, we learned that the Israelites...Read more...

Member Recognition Corner

Your fellow PJTC congregants wish to recognize:

Claire Gorfinkel: She is so dedicated and sincere in her reaching out to members such as myself who are disabled and are in need of personal connections. Claire is amazing in her sensitivity and responsiveness. Kristine Garroway for participating in February’s Rosh Chodesh as our guest speaker. Clearly, this was a topic that many of our members and guests found provocative given the...Read more...

What Have We Learned About Aging? - Charles Brenner, PhD

Torah recounts extraordinary lifespans including some numbering in the hundreds of years. Our matriarch, Sarah, was also said to become a mother at the age of 90. Given that Rosh Hashona is celebrated as the birthday of the world and our Hebrew year says we are in 5782, few among us would look to scripture as a source of accurate information about geological or biological time. However, it is always interesting to consider our written...Read more...

B'nai Mitzvah - March 2022

March will be a special month for the families and friends of Marcus Goldman and Sam Bruck, who will become B'nai Mitzvah. Mazel tov! We look forward to celebrating with you.


Social Justice Committee - March

Susan Auerbach and Linda Mazur were on hand near midnight on February 5th  with welcome signs and flowers to greet the Afghan family of four with whom  the PJTC Welcome Circle has been matched.  A meal from Heidar Baba halal restaurant awaited them in the now fully furnished and supplied apartment in a convenient Pasadena location. Men’s Club and Sisterhood have been amazing partners in making...Read more...

Congregational Corner - March

Dear PJTC Congregants,

We've got a busy couple of months ahead!

We're going all out for Purim this year, with opportunities to connect for all ages, family constellations, and social distancing comfort levels. Check your emails for RSVP links.

We hope to deliver Sisterhood's Happy Purim goodies to every member household, with help from our religious school families. Make a note to be home on Tuesday evening, March 15 to...Read more...

What is Hazak? Our Newest PJTC Social Group

This is personal for me. Not only have I, along with the rest of the world, been cooped up away from people due to the pandemic for two years, but I also recently joined the widow's ranks. During both of these passages, my synagogue has become a most important community. Lately, though, with the approaching reopening of stuff, I imagined that having a specific social group connected to my synagogue could be a welcome...Read more...

Torah Fund - March

Every year our Sisterhood Torah Fund Chair asks you for donations.  And, every year someone asks the question “What is Torah Fund anyway?”  First of all, let’s begin by telling you what Torah Fund is not. It is not a campaign to purchase Torahs!

So, what is it? Torah Fund is a national fundraising commitment of Conservative Sisterhoods across America to raise money...Read more...

Men’s Club - March Madness

Hello PJTC,

Men’s Club has two important announcements. First, our March Madness Basketball Pool is here!

Download any online bracket, pick the winners, submit your bracket to Steven Roth at or drop off at PJTC c/o Men’s Club before the first game, sit back and cheer for your teams. Prizes awarded to first, second and third place with a portion going to Men’s Club. Submit payment...Read more...


Please join us for Rosh Chodesh Adar II

Wednesday, March 2, 2022
7:30 PM 
On Zoom 

Marta Fuchs will be our guest Author/Filmmaker with her book and film:

"The Soldier's Uniform"

The film already has been accepted to several International Film Festivals! Books available.

 Watch the film here: ...


We are excited to announce that tickets
for the JFed Players’ Spring musical are available to purchase! 

Grumpy Old Men, the Musical, opens on Saturday, March 26th, 8:00 pm,

Torah Discussion Starter: Giving Because Your Heart Is Moved To Do So

In this week’s parashah, Terumah, God tells the Israelites, “Bring me gifts!” Ok, I’m paraphrasing a little bit and the context IS important (basically, God is telling the Israelites to build a house so that God...Read more...

NEW! Jewish Book Club

The Pirkei Avot Discussion Group is transitioning into a weekly Wednesday evening Jewish Book Club. Next up: discussions on Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' Z"l book, Judaism's Life-Changing Ideas.

Can Judaism's ideas really change your life? Find out with friends and community...Read more...

Congregational Corner

Dear Congregants,

All I can say is, “WOW!” As you know we turned Into the Mitzvah Day into an at-home event. Disappointing, and yet… we had 57 families sign up to receive an Into the Mitzvah Day kit! Through these kits, we engaged over 150 people in our community, from singles to multigenerational families. These kits had numerous projects, including no-sew blankets to comfort dogs at animal shelters; planting flowers,...Read more...

Sisterhood's Rosh Chodesh: Adar I

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

7:30 PM 

We are excited to have Kristi Garroway, Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible at Hebrew Union College Los Angeles talk about "The Real Housewives of Ancient Israel." 

This talk will explore a day in the life of an ancient Israelite women. Dr. Garroway will lead us on an exploration of what it meant to run an ancient household....Read more...

Men's Club - February

Hello PJTC,

Men’s Club finished up 2021 with a successful series of year end events including the PJTC New Member gathering where we provided the main course and chef’s to prepare it (utilizing the newly purchased barbecue and flat grill) the synagogue‘s Chanukah party (Krispy Kreme donuts for everyone) a Covid-19 update in partnership with Social Hall and Sisterhood and we just concluded another NFL football pool season...Read more...

Jewish Thought Special Contributor: Lori Skope

If God Is Anything Like Me: A Layman’s Look at Building the Mishkan

In Parashat Terumah, God instructs Moses to work with the Israelites to create a Mishkan, a sacred space for God to dwell among them. To date, it was only Moses who was able to be with God, so this was a BIG step in the relationship between God and the Jewish community as a whole. As I first learned the story of Terumah, I thought it was wonderful that God suggested...Read more...

B'nai Mitzvah - February

February is a big month for the Dickter family! Lea and Sam Dickter will be celebrating their B'nai Mitzvah together, making the occasion even sweeter for their family and loved ones. Mazel tov, Dickter family!

Lea Dickter

Lea Rachel Dickter, daughter of David and Jana Dickter, will be...Read more...

Thank You for Donations to Sisterhood

As you may know, Sisterhood has a variety of income sources.  To name a few, membership dues, the New Year Greeting Book greetings and business ads, Tribute cards and Happy Purim Mishloach Manot greetings finance Sisterhood’s ability to support PJTC operating expenses, youth activities and local community needs. Additionally, we are always pleased to receive unsolicited donations...Read more...

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784