Adult Education
Adult Education
Through the active pursuit of educational opportunities by PJTC's clergy, staff, and Adult Education Committee, our community provides a plethora of classes, lectures, and discussions to help build knowledge and understanding of the world around us. We're always adding more opportunities, but here's what we can already share for the coming year:
Scientists In Synagogues | Melton Classes | Hartman Institute iEngage | Exploring Your Life Through Torah | Sunday Center Learning | Shema Circles | Meditation | Bagel Breakfasts
PITC is the proud recipient of a grant from Sinai and Synapses. This project bridges the religious and scientific worlds, offering people a worldview that is scientifically grounded and spiritually uplifting. Our project, The Intersection of Judaism and Science: Coexisting Searches, leverages the presence of our congregation's scientists and rabbis to explore the nexus of science and religion. We will be posing questions and encouraging discussions that will challenge assumptions about the incompatibility of juxtaposing science and Judaism. For more information about Sinai and Synapses (which is incubated at CLAL - The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership) or to get on their mailing list go to
Programs this year included a talk prior to Selichot services on September 9 on The Mechanics and History of the Jewish Calendar and, later in the fall, there will be a program about Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Watch for information about future programs. All programs are free and open to the entire community.
To enhance our PJTC Adult Education program, we have become a campus for the Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. Their courses, developed in conjunction with Hebrew University of Jerusalem, use ancient and modern texts to explore our Jewish experience. As the classes approach, there will be more information about how to enroll directly with the Florence Melton School. There is a fee for these classes, but scholarships through PJTC are available. These classes are open to the entire community.
To register for this course, please click here. Where it says "All Communities," click the dropdown arrow and select "California: Pasadena / Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center" to find PJTC's course.
Between the Lines: From Text to Life
Taught by Rabbi Ben Goldstein
Tuesdays 12PM-1:30PM October 16-November 28 at PJTC
No Class November 21
Bring-Your-Own Lunch and Learn
Tuition: $179 (Includes Melton Student Reader)
Scholarships available, contact for more information.
Jewish texts have informed Jewish thought and practice for over 3,000 years. But how do we connect to words written so long ago? What do they reveal today? And how do they inspire action? In this course, we will examine the many ways that we bring the words of our texts into our daily lives. We'll look at the hints and clues in the letters of sacred Jewish texts: the Torah, the Prophets, the Talmud (no previous Hebrew knowledge required). We'll examine structure and authorship. We'll discuss the commentary of yesterday. We'll share were we stand today. Dive into a sea of knowledge.
Timeless Tales, : Modern Sensibilities: A Deep Look at the Books of Esther and Ruth
Teacher and Location TBA
Tuesdays 7:30PM-9PM January 30-April 2
Tuition: $295 (Includes Melton Student Reader)
Scholarships available, contact for more information.
Discover contemporary meaning in timeless texts during this ten-lesson course on the stones in the Scrolls of Esther and Ruth. Explore themes of Jewish identity, gender, God's role in human affairs, and comedy. Delve into the lives of these two heroic women who changed the course of history, leaving
a legacy that influences our lives today.
Shalom Hartman Institute is a Jewish research and education institute based in Jerusalem, that offers pluralistic Jewish thought and education to scholars, rabbis, educators, and Jewish community leaders in Israel and North America.
"Engage: Together and Apart," is a 7-week course from the Shalom Hartman Institute. The course invites us to consider whether, and how we create new language and paradigms for understanding and maintaining the relationship between Jews in Israel and Jews across the world. Jews in Israel and Jews in America are separated more than geographically, living with dramatically dissimilar environments and dangers; we are separated by an ever-growing sense of disparity on issues of identity, religion, politics, values and priorities.
When it comes to issues of the future of Jewish peoplehood and the consequent relationship between Israel and world Jewry, the course will explore which models, conceptual categories and ideas can sustain peoplehood and a connection to Israel today and into the future.
Rabbi Stephanie Ivler, a PITC member and Vice President for Programs on the PITC Board of Directors, is an attorney admitted to the Bar in both California and the State of Israel. Rabbi Ivler travels frequently to Israel for extended periods of time, where she is able to study and experience the disparity between what it means, and how it feels to be Jewish as an American and how it feels living Jewishly in Israel. Rabbi Ivler has enjoyed teaching throughout decades of professional life, both as an attorney and as a non profit leader in the disability services sector and the California foster care svstem.
The cost for 7 weeks (including textbook) is $50. Classes will be held Tuesday evenings 7:30-9PM beginning October 10.
A weekly Torah discussion facilitated by PITC member, Rabbi Jason Mann, Thursdays at 10AM on Zoom.
The Torah is an amazing source of ancient and eternal wisdom. Our group meets every Thursday morning to harvest this ancient wisdom and explore how we can incorporate it into our modern lives by looking at some teachings based on the weekly Torah portion. Our group has lively and inclusive discussions. All are invited to participate or just actively listen. No Hebrew is needed to participate. We are all so blessed by meeting together each week. It is a great opportunity to study together and create a caring community to sustain us each day. To receive the Zoom link and other updates, contact Rabbi Mann,
Weekly on Sunday mornings when Religious School is in session, adults can learn, too! Check your PJTC emails for timing and further details. These classes are open to PJTC members and their guests.
Everyday Holiness
loin Rabbi Goldstein in an exploration of self improvement using Jewish and other ancient sources of wisdom, from 10:15AM-11:15AM
Join Cantor Ruth in Galpert Sanctuary during Sunday Center mornings as we learn both modern and traditional melodies while delving deeper into the meaning behind what we are singing. We look forward to having you as part of our singing community. No experience necessary-just a love of music or singing!
Open to PITC members only, now in its second year. Shema comes from the Hebrew root word "to listen." Shema Circles are closed groups of 8-10 congregants who meet monthly for 60-90 minutes from October-May to learn with and from each other in a safe, open, non-judgemental environment.
Discussion materials will come from a combination of traditional lewish texts and secular sources.
For our second year, the theme will be Cheshbon Hanefesh: Accounting of the Soul. The process is one of introspection, asking ourselves how we can be better parents, partners, children and people. While each Shema Circle will be facilitated by a congregant, source materials will also be provided by PITC clergy and staff. Some Shema Circles meet at PITC while other Circles are hosted at congregant homes.
This is a great way for newer members to get to know others in the community in a small group setting, and a great way for lifelong members to meet new people or deepen relationships.
We plan to reset the groups each September, but we can get you on the waitlist if you'd like to join in the middle of a cycle.
Tuesdays at 8:45AM led by PITC members, usually on Zoom. The first 30 minutes are spent in silence and meditation, then 20 minutes for learning a text or instruction, and a short reflection period to end. Contact: to receive Zoom links.
These Sunday morning events are sponsored by various PJTC organizations. They include conversations led by world-class speakers and authors.
Fri, September 13 2024
10 Elul 5784
Shabbat Services
All are welcome to join our in-person services every Friday at 7:30PM and Saturday at 9:30AM.
You can also attend services virtually through Zoom, please contact the office to receive the link.
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