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PJTC Youth Update

Dear PJTC, 

At the end of March, I was thrilled to see our USYers and Kadimaniks on the Bimah reading Torah and leading prayers for the USY and Kadima Shabbat service. It brings me so much joy to see teens participating in services, and it’s one of my favorite events each year. (Yes, I know I say that about every event—I’m so proud of how active and engaged the youth are!) 

We’re in full gear for the Pop-Up...

Bat Mitzvah - April

Bat Mitzvah of Juliet Levine 

  Juliet Levine, daughter of Todd and Monica, will be called to the Torah on April 28. She is currently a 7th grader at Sierra Madre Middle School. Born in Orlando, FL, she spent a significant portion of her childhood in Shanghai, China with her brother and parents, where she learned to speak Mandarin (better than English) and regularly requested "duck" for...Read more...

Social Justice Committee

By Carl Selkin, co-Chir

Chag Pesach kasher vsame’ach!

    We hope to share the PJTC Community second seder with many of you. We haven’t seen the sign-ups yet, but those interested in looking at Pesach from a social justice perspective might wish to join the table that Carl has proposed. The theme for our ancillary discussion...Read more...

Sisterhood’s Caring Community Outreach is a Spoonful of Comfort

by: Nancy Carlton, Sisterhood President & Stacy Ober, Caring Community Outreach Chair


Why are outreach and care packages important? We like to believe they say something beyond words. It can be hard to articulate how much we care for someone, especially during difficult times. Perhaps they haven't been feeling well, they lost a loved one, or in general have just hit a rough patch in life. In those times, it's so...Read more...

Friends in Deed - Doing Together What We Cannot Do Alone

Friends in Deed (FID) is an interfaith organization that provides supportive services to meet basic human needs so those experiencing homelessness and at-risk neighbors can rebuild their lives.

Your PJTC Sisterhood continues to support our chosen Tzedakah project – Friends in Deed Women’s Room. Sisterhood provides once a month luncheon delivery (on the third Thursday of the month) for approximately 25 - 30 women. Our members...Read more...

Sisterhood News


PJTC Sisterhood welcomes author Helene Wecker. She will talk about her second novel, The Hidden Palace: A Novel of the Golem and the Jinni, a fantasy story of a female golem and a jinni as humans in the bustling world of New York's lower east side in the...Read more...

Men's Club - March

Since our last Flame column, the Men’s Club has been focused on painting several LBSRS classrooms and providing our second annual March Madness NCAA Basketball Pool and of course our Hebrews and Buargers on the 3rd. Wednesday of each month.

In early March we painted 3 of the LBSRS classrooms that were in the most need of it in preparation for the flooring replacement that is scheduled for the end of March. On March 19th. we painted...Read more...

Member Recognition Corner

Your fellow congregants would like to recognize the following:

Thank you to Shawn Paper, Andrea Mark, Oliver Cox, Ruth Kaye, Joe Widman, Ricardo Ricciardi, Aviva Zierler, and Sadie Zierler for the fantastic part each of them played in producing the video “Let us Walk Together “, Exploring Jew-ish Wisdom through Radical Hospitality. Stephanie Ivler for hosting the Oneg Shabbat in honor of her mother Sue...Read more...

What is a Chaplain?

What is a Chaplain? more...

Guardians March 2023

Dear Guardians,

We had our Bagel Breakfast last Sunday February 26. Over 60 Guardians attended, and this was the first time we were together in person in 3 years! The rabbi started our event with a prayer and then we had a wonderful (and colorful!) lox and bagel meal prepared and displayed by Nancy Carlton and her crew. The desserts were catered by Jessica Weiner of Beliah’s Bakery, and they were delicious, especially the pecan...Read more...


Dear PJTC Family,

I'm back! It's wonderful to see all of your faces again after my maternity leave. Thank you so much for all the love and support you showed to me and my family. If you go to the Member Recognition section of the Flame, you'll see a lengthy list of those who sent my family meals and/or helped us prepare for the kiddush luncheon in honor of our newest little one. And, that doesn't even include the countless more who...Read more...

Board Report

On February 27, our synagogue had two meetings, back-to-back. The first was a meeting of the congregation, including the board of directors. The first order of business was our new board slate. Following an introduction by board president Stacey Sharp, Geoff DeBoskey, nominations committee chairperson, presented the new proposed slate of board directors. DeBoskey recognized the members of the nominations committee, namely, Albert Hayden,...Read more...

Men's Club

By Jack Singer, President


     The Men's Club had limited activity during February, with our monthly gathering at T. Boyles for HeBrews being our only community event. I am glad to say that these monthly gatherings are getting more and more attendees each month. During the past two months we have had at least a dozen members and prospective members attending.

     As we...

Bat Mitzvah - March

Bat Mitzvah Gogo Lidz

Gogo Lidz is 38 years old. She lives with her partner, Sal Avina, and their two basenjis in South Pasadena. She has been studying for her Bat Mitzvah since last summer. Born in New York City, she grew up on a llama farm in southeastern Pennsylvania. When talking about bagels, she gets...Read more...

Rose Hills Plot Available

Katie Gundersen-Watson has a plot in the Jewish section of Rose Hills (section made available in mid 1970's for local congregations), prefers that it is used by one of 'our own' members.  Please contact Katie Gundersen-Watson  - land line 626-359-1055 for further information.  All transfer of title / paperwork will be handled by Rose Hills.



Social Justice Committee 

By Carl Selkin, SJC Co-Chair

Chag Purim sameach!

      The February 5th Social Justice Bagel Breakfast drew 85 PJTC congregants and guests to acknowledge the first anniversary of the arrival to Pasadena of the Z family. As Joe Widman thanked the individuals and organizations that made possible  the family’s...Read more...

Member Recognition Corner

Your fellow congregants would like to recognize the following:

Susan Auerbach - Susan's outstanding leadership of the Welcome Circle supporting the Afghan refugee family has been instrumental in the successes of both the Welcome Circle and the Z Family.

Nancy Carlton for creating a beautiful kiddush luncheon in honor of baby Ori Levy, with the help of Jan Pais, Aty Rotter, Ruth Kaye and Mike Kronsburg

The Whitman Family...

Rosh Chodesh - February 22


Celebrating Aging 

Social Justice Committee - HIAS brunch

Purim Carnival March 5

Guardians Brunch 

Sisterhood's Chay'ay Olam Award Event


Board Report - January 

January Board Report

During its January 9 meeting, Cantor Ruth Berman-Harris introduced the meeting by discussing her recent trip to Israel, Argentina, and New York City. As to the Rabbi search process, Board president Stacey Sharp announced that she has appointed Sean Surfas as the Interim Rabbi Search Committee Chair, and announced the members of that committee. Andrea Mark described efforts to evaluate and...Read more...

Men's Club - February


Social Justice Committee - February

The Social Justice Committee    

By Carl Selkin, Co-Chair                                        

   If you were...

Bat Mitzvah – February 18

Bat Mitzvah Sadie Zierler

   Sadie Zierler, daughter of Aviva and David Zierler, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on February 18, 2023.

     Sadie is a seventh grader at South Pasadena Middle School.  A relative newcomer to the area, Sadie arrived in...Read more...

Guardians Update - January

Welcome Back, Guardians!

We are gathering together as a group for the first time in years and are reviving a tradition that goes back decades, the Guardian Annual Meeting and State of the Temple Bagel Brunch.

Please save the date: Sunday February 26, 2023 from 10 am to 12 noon.

Rabbi Carrier will serve as our Master of Ceremonies and Temple President Stacey Sharp will share up-to-date information about the State of the...Read more...

Bnai Mitzvah - January



Social Justice Report - January

January Flame Article for Social Justice Committee

Carl Selkin

I am writing this during Hanukkah, so please forgive this belated hope that you have all enjoyed what Woody Guthrie wished everyone, a happy, joyous Hanukkah!

Mark your calendar for our annual Martin Luther King Shabbat: January 13 at 7:30. This year...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784