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The Social Justice Committee

By Carl Selkin, co-chair


Please read the invitations to join the KULANU initiative to combat anti-Semitism that appear in this and other PJTC emails.  Several recorded web presentations continue to be available online through the ADL/ KULANU portal that links PJTC with hundreds of other synagogues in the U.S. and Canada.  On December 10 we will convene to discuss and begin planning the initiatives best suited to our congregation and community.  We can make a real difference, a positive difference, even in this environment where rising intimidation and anti-Jewish animus demands our thoughtful response. Watch for the announcements from Shawn Paper, who is coordinating the PJTC participation.  

The Social Justice Committee continues to gift books to b’nai mitzvah celebrants.  We provide a curated list of titles from which each rising adult can make a selection suited to their interests and even personal connections.  We very much appreciate working with Men’s Club and Sisterhood to make the gift presentations from our groups meaningful and reflective of this important milestone in their Jewish journeys.

We are organizing the annual Social Justice Shabbat Friday of MLK weekend, January 12.  Watch for announcements and for the scheduling of the Rabbi Marvin Gross Social Justice Award.


In conjunction with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Refugee Shabbat Weekend, SJC will host our annual bagel breakfast on February 4 with updates from HIAS about critical issues facing refugees.  Details forthcoming as we approach the date.

We look forward to Hannukah and our community celebration of rededication!

For more information, email SJCPJTC@GMAIL.COM.


Thu, May 9 2024 1 Iyyar 5784