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By Edie Taylor


     I came home that wonderful Sunday, November 5, still excited over the events of the day, and through the next week remembering the many people who were there and the love and friendships renewed after the period that I was out of touch with so many.  I began to think about how I would be able to send out over 200 thank you notes. After a few days I realized that THIS was the answer – the FLAME, that I edited for many years. 

     So this, my friends, is my THANK YOU to the many wonderful people on the Committee who checked in our guests, prepared the food for the great lunch, and welcomed my friends and family members. Also the many who sent in heart-warming tributes to me and some of the volunteers.

       I loved the title of the event – “Passing the Torch”.  I don’t know who thought it up. It was so appropriate.  I can’t leave out mentioning certain people who were very special for me that day. I will indulge myself by mentioning Stu Miller, Rabbi Ben Goldstein, Cantor Ruth, John Carlton, Jason Moss, Jack Singer, my wonderful niece, Bobbi Sloan, who provided the biography of me, and our very special Nancy Carlton, who chaired the kitchen crew,   prepared the delicious lunch and provided great ideas to the Committee.  I am grateful to my good friend Paul Stein, who brought his violin and his piano accompanist Stephanie Lin. They provided a charming conclusion to a very special day.

     Now I want to add Theresa Brekan, Alex Beck and RJ Brown for all their help from the beginning of this project until its conclusion. 

      I have been at PJTC for many years and am pleased that so many are stepping in to take over some of my previous activities. THANK YOU ALL for honoring me with that wonderful event.


Thu, May 9 2024 1 Iyyar 5784