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Meet Our Faculty

K'tantanim (Pre-K): Morah Julia

Kindergarten: Morah Rachael

Kitah Aleph (1st): Morah Annabella

Kitah Bet (2nd): Moreh Elijah

Kitah Gimel (3rd): Morah Rebecca

Kitah Dalet (4th): Morah Bernice

Kitah Hei (5th):  Moreh Dan 

Kitah Vav (6th): Morah Anat

Kitah Zayin (7th): Morah Sondra

Gesher (8th-9th): Morah Emily 

K'tantanim (Pre-K): Morah Julia

Shalom, my name is Julia Foxman. I’ve been teaching Religious School for five years. I enjoy it. I like teaching children numbers in Hebrew, doing arts and crafts, and discussing the holidays.

I also teach at B’nal Simach preschool. I’ve been there for nine years. I’ve worked with all ages and enjoy singing with them doing puppets, sharing books, discussing the Jewish holidays.

Kindergarten: Morah Rachael

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Kitah Aleph (1st Grade): Morah Annabella

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Kitah Zayin (7th Grade): Morah Sondra

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I have been teaching at Pasadena Temple for 28 years. I became the head Gabai in charge of everything related to Torah for  seventeen years now! I am also the B’nai Mitzvah tutor so all of my responsibilities connect extremely well!!

My philosophy about teaching young people is to keep their minds stimulated and challenged. I want them to learn about their Jewish heritage including all aspects of Judaism and to be proud of being Jews. Of course paying it forward by being involved in social action (tikuun olam) by doing their chosen Mitzvah projects  and monthly projects helping the larger community. Seventh grade, Kitah Zayin is just the beginning of becoming B’nai Mitzvah. It is also the ability to be able to chant Torah, sing Hebrew prayers, blessings and understand the meaning of the Hebrew as they navigate through the siddur and Chumash on a weekly basis. As young adults, they will lead the congregation in prayer too!

Gesher (Bridge, 8th-9th Grades): Morah Emily

In addition to piloting the Gesher program (which she is SO excited about), Emily is the Assistant Director of Youth Engagement and Education at Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center. This is her fourth year working at PJTC, and her seventh year working in Jewish engagement and education. Emily has an AA in Philosophy and is completing her AS in Child Development and Education this year, after which she plans to continue her education. When she's not working, you can find her camping, curled up with a good book and three half-full beverages, rock climbing, or trying out a new recipe. 

In Gesher, Emily will prepare 8th and 9th graders to join Team Madrichim through professional development, post-B'nai Mitzvah education, Team Madrichim practice, and (hopefully) fun! Professional development will include studying pedagogy (the method and practice of teaching) and child development as well as ensuring they're familiar with all Limud curriculum, especially Hebrew decoding. Post-B'nai mitzvah education will, for the most ​part, be up to Gesher participants. Do they want to discuss whether or not a zombie could keep kosher? Or, do they want to learn about the Prophets? Let's find out! Finally, Gesher students will spend time each week in the classroom shadowing Team Madrichim members and getting hands-on experience helping students and faculty.

Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784